Saturday, July 20, 2013

My review of the Dohm-DS by Marpac (Sound Machine)

Back in 2009, after we had our daughter, we were having problems with her waking up at every little noise...A few people we knew suggested getting a "white noise" machine to see if she would sleep better. Figured why not! We were ready to try anything! We first bought one from our local WalMart. It plugged into the wall. Not even sure what it was called now that I'm thinking about it, but it just wasn't worth the money. It was constantly having problems. No thanks!

We looked on and ended up finding a Sleepmate/Soundscreen 980A. It was around $50.00, but we figured we would give it a try as the reviews were all great! I have to say I am soooo glad that we bought it! Totally worth the $50! 4 years later, and it still works great!

It took a little bit to get used to the noise of it, but it didn't take long and we hardly even noticed it was on. Other people that would come over were always like "how does that not drive you nuts?" Told them you just get used to it! I, for one, was never the type to sleep good in total silence. I'm a very light sleeper, so any little noise woke me up! Bleh =/ I actually sleep better now after hearing these for the past 4 years :)

Our daughter slept through most storms and was taking good naps thanks to this machine. It is amazing! We had a son in May of 2012 and we bought the same machine for him. It has worked wonders! Only they now changed the name of the machine to the Dohm-DS. Same machine, just different name and just made it "dual speed."

The Dohm-DS now has dual speed operation. Plugs into the wall, so will run all night. I can't stand the one that are on timers. Yes, I'm weird lol. But they just never worked for my kids. Everyone has different opinions about the use of noise machines. But in my opinion, they are worth the money! Especially if you have little ones! So if you are searching for a good noise machine that's worth the money, definitely recommend that you purchase the Dohm-DS! We ordered our first one on and then the next one from


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