Monday, July 1, 2013

My Crazy, Beautiful Life!

I'm Jamie, a 28 year old stay at home mom to 2 amazing kids! Married to my high school sweetheart, Joe. We have a 3 year old "princess" named Jaylin and a 13 mth old "prince" named Jaxson. We apparently have a thing for J's ;)-

I met Joe when I was a freshman in high school. Been together 13 years as of April of this year.Will be married 7 years on August 19th. Time really just flies by! 

We started trying to conceive in 2007. After trying for a little over a year, we made a visit to our doctor; only to find that I had pcos (polycystic ovaries)...I was put on medication and things were starting to look up. In November of 2008, my cousin Michael, died in a house fire. My other cousin, his sister, was 6 months pregnant. Our minds obviously shifted gears to that and a little less on trying to conceive our first baby.

Months went by and finally in February 2009, my cousin  had her baby boy and named him Michael after her brother that died. I cried tears of joy and deep inside tears of sadness for myself in that I wanted so badly to have a baby of our own. A week later, I wasn't feeling right. Decided to take a pregnancy test. We were FINALLY pregnant!!

We welcomed our beautiful  6lb 9oz baby girl on October 8, 2009. We named her Jaylin Grace..."our little grace from god". Words cannot express that moment when you become a parent. It's absolutely amazing. She will be 4 in October and let me tell you, she is such a smart little girl...has the attitude of her father (whether he says so or not ;) lol..some of the things she comes up with absolutely amaze me!

In August of 2011, we found out we were expecting baby Ridenour #2! We welcomed our 8lb 4oz baby boy on May 31, 2012. Named him Jaxson David James. He has two middle names just like his daddy. The middle name 'David' is the same as one of Joe's and the middle name 'James' is after my father who passed away back in 1999 from a lung disease. He is 13 months old now..and WOW...I'm starting to wonder if we should have named him George...he's definitely curious! haha

'Life in the Mommy Lane' for me, is just like a racetrack. I feel like I'm constantly just going in circles with a few 'pit stops' along the way! :) Being a mommy is definitely a blessing, sometimes trying, but always a blessing. Something to never take for granted.

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